... Lord Jesus Christ,Son of God, have mercy on me the sinner-Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ,Υιέ Θεού, ελέησόν με τον αμαρτωλό...

Παρασκευή 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

The Global Vision (Nightmare) Of The "New Age"

    The so called New Age Of Aquarius (or "New Age") is a major problem for all Christian Shepherds since the 90's. In Greece one of the first ministers to have pointed out this problem is the late Fr. Antonios Alevizopoulos.
"New Age" is the devils lie in a new form. It repeats what Satan told Adam and Eve, that man is by his own nature God!  
      The primary targets of "New Age", as being described in the books of its main representatives: Alice Baily, Benjamin Creme, Pavid Spangler, Vera Alder, Marilyn Ferguson, John Randolph Price, Mueller Robert etc, are two:
1.   The establishment of a new world order with common politics and economy, meaning o global government which will have in charge the expected Messiah or Avatar of the "New Age". To us Christians this false Messiah is of course the antichrist described in the Apocalypse of John and in the Old Testament as well as other texts written by Christian Saints and Prophets.
2.   The enforcement of the new world order at a religious level, meaning a global religion.
Those two primary targets, are the so called "Plan" that is being promoted by so the called "Order". The "Order" is constituted by "Enlightened Beings" which don't have a material body (Demonic Entities), and some men of power who are initiated in the cause.   
The two primary targets of the "New Age" are not only connected but in final analysis ore one and the same.
The false Messiah of the "New Age" aspires to be the leader of the global government and the (demonic) global religion.
We are aware that these may seem to some people as a science fiction movie scenario, but unfortunately this is not the case at all.
The "Plan" is not only published in the books of the main "New Age" representatives but we can also see it being promoted in our daily lives.
In this text we will focus mainly in the second target: The enforcement of the new world order at a religious level.
The already suggested, emblem of the Global religion is a  circular representation which contains the symbols of the six major world's religions (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism) and in the center of the circle the phrase: "Peace And Love On Earth".
Lola Davis, prophet of the new age, promises that the Messiah of the new age (meaning the Antichrist) will bring new revelations and guide humanity into the establishment of a new global religion.
According to Lola Davis, until he "The Great Avatar" returns, there is a responsibility to each and every one of us to contribute in creating a new world society that will embrace the new Global Religion when it arrives.
This expected Messiah of the "New Age" (in reality the Antichrist) will be a great world teacher to believers of every religion as well as for the unbelievers.
 In order to achieve Global Religion all major religions must converge. But how is that possible? Let's hear Robert Mueller ex Assistant Secretary General in The U.N. and important representative of the "New Age".  He writes in his book "New Genesis: Shaping a global spirituality", religions must:
a.   accelerate ecumenism and create common global religious institutions that will find the means and the religious inspirers that will support solutions to global problems.
b.   Raise the flag of the U.N. in every place of worship.
c.   Organize common ecumenical prayers.
In 1975, at the U.N. headquarters, after the representatives of various  religions met, the following statement was published: The crisis of our times challenges major religions to release a new spiritual force exceeding the religious, cultural and national boundaries…we support a new spirituality that will reject seclusiveness and will guide towards a new global conscience.
In another part Robert Mueller states in his book: we must unite with our Hindu brothers and name this planet for so on "Brahma or Planet Of God".
Robert Mueller also suggests: religions must cooperate actively in order to offer a better understanding of the mysteries of life and our position in the universe.
Progressive simplification and unification will take place in the religious field, is said by Vera Alder in her book "When humanity comes of age".
And she continues: Religion will no longer be just an aspect of human life but an almost subconscious basis of each action. People will realize the purpose and the presence of God in each and every part of the creation, as well as inside themselves, that they will no longer be able to separate religion from science, education or administration. The unification will be complete.
Lola Davis asks: What will happen to the major religious groups?
And she answers: Today's religions will probably continue to function as they do today…but as the beliefs of the new global religion are being validated scientifically and will become popular, the today's religions will have to adapt and evolve into branches of the new global religion.
Let's see which are the basic principles of the "desired" global religion:
The principles of global religion start with the perception of god, universe and man and are identical to the beliefs of the Eastern Religions and Occultism.
We are at the threshold of the "New Age" is the main message being spread. We expect new truths, a new Messiah (every age has its own according to them). It will be a golden age of enlightenment…Christianity who is responsible for today's major problems (war, hunger, pollution of the environment),  will vanish and shrink, as was sang by the beetles. Those who stay attached to the old age are people of a lower evolutionary level. If they persist to this attachment, they will be transferred to another level of existence (meaning they will be killed) so that they will evolve in a future reincarnation…This is called in the language of the "New Age" an act of cleansing (something like Hitler's final solution for Jews, Gipsy's, Homosexuals and other undesirables).
 In fact this act of cleansing will be, as they say, an act of supreme love!!!
 Thus the reincarnation myth is a highly necessary ingredient to this new religion so that they can justify the eradication of the "unbelievers".
 We open here a necessary parenthesis to point out that the theosophy of Blavatsky, Besant, Bailey and "heirs", is the true spiritual mother of the "New Age". With "Religious Syncretism" it sets the foundries of "Global Religion". No religion is above truth, is the basic blasphemous dogma of "Theosophy". All religions posses only parts of the truth. According to them the whole truth is possessed by "Theosophy" which claims that nobody possesses the whole truth. So in order to achieve the whole truth each religion must contribute its own share. Each one must enrich others and be enriched by them…
  We close this parenthesis and continue with the enumeration of the basic principles of "Global Religion":    
 All paths lead to God…believe, they say, whatever you like, just don't be one-sided. That is the so called "Dogmatic of Puralism".
 This pluralism, as its being adopted by the "New Age", is to them a fundamental article of faith. Whoever does not accept their dogma will be characterized as a fundamentalist, fanatic, and intolerant.
We can't and mustn't do, they say, evaluations on the various paths, there are over 500 religions. Your whole life just wouldn't be enough to decide which is best…consequently all religions are justified roads towards the same goal.
We add: an evil way to diminish Christianity (their only true opponent) and the truth of the gospel (the only truth).
And we continue the enumeration of the blasphemous beliefs of this demonic "Global Religion" whose sole inspirer is Lucifer.    
Man is by his own nature God (it's the lie Lucifer told to Adam and Eve to provoke God's wrath), but that he hasn't yet mastered his divine nature.
To achieve that, man must use various consciousness exploration techniques (Meditation, Yoga, etc). The aim is self knowledge, self improvement, self completion, and self salvation of man with his own powers only and without the help of God.
 "The love for your self is the greatest love, and if you love a 1000 Gods but not yourself you achieve nothing".
"Bow to your higher self, honor and worship your existence. The God living inside you is your own self".
In that way mans pride reaches demonic heights, sending his salvation to the trash bin and his soul to the bottom of the abyss…
Furthermore "New Age"  prompts people, mainly through messages that are channeled through the media and the movie industry, to live a free life full of sex, violence and magic rituals. In that way they flatter sin, and ridicule the necessity to live a spiritual life and repent for our sins.
Besides one of the basic beliefs of "Global Religion" is the faith to Karma and Reincarnation (the law of rebirths that will be used to justify the "wipe out" of the unbelievers).
They also say that nature is Godly, so as a consequence comes the worship of Mother Goddess (Earth), the female deities and the return to ancient Paganism. We have inside us, they say, hidden powers and we can do anything.
The belief in Astrology and divination etc are also basic principles of their belief.
Other mystical and occult teachings are also being promoted by the "New Age", as well as the imaginary existence of the so called "force centers" (the Chakras) inside man.   
The "New Age" religion is supposed to comply with modern science. Their perspective of Darvins evolution theory:
Man is an evolving God, but must be submissive to the more evolved Gods.
One of their tricks in order to achieve their goal is to discredit the holy bible and the truths of our religion, but with an indirect and gradual way:
- There is no personal God
- Jesus is not the only begotten son of God and not the only Christ
- Jesus did not die for our sins
- There is no sin and no discretion between good and evil (we are all innocent). The only sin "New Age" accepts is ones failure to reach the consciousness that he is God!
- The Holy Trinity does not exist
- The Holy Bible is full of mistakes and was altered through the ages.
- There is no Heaven and Hell.
- Every man is by his own nature God!
- The Christians are the Antichrist!
- Jesus and Christ are two different entities.
- Instead of love thy neighbor, love thy neighbor's God!
What will the bible of the "New Age" contain?
The leaders of the "New Age" agree in the form and the context of the "new bible".
Lola Davis has written that besides knowledge taken from all the sacred books from every religion, there is new knowledge to be added in this bible of the "New Age".
In this century, she says, there are new scripts available that previously were not. Among them are the "dead sea scrolls", the huge amount of religious scripts found in Potala Tibet, the texts taken from the fourth century bible, the books of  Teilhard de Chardin, as well as knowledge taken from ancient occult books…
Probably enough of this knowledge could be usefully used for the harmonization of all major religions with the new Pan-Religion of the "New Age".
Let's now see the tactics what will be to achieve the strategic target of establishing the desired "Pan-Religion". The conflict must not be at front, because it hardens their attitude, says Marilyn Ferguson…
The fall will be succeeded with the gradual deterioration of their beliefs. The best way to achieve that is to convince someone that they can be part of the Christian Church and a "New Age" organization as well.
Thus the target is not to empty the Churches but to have them full of people whose beliefs are corrupted.
That is why all "New Age" organizations act disguised, aiming to corruption and confusion.
Within this fraudulent tactic being projected the need for dialogue of everyone with everybody, so that their dogmatic differences can be mitigated (dogmatic minimalism) in the name of some indefinite love, empty of true content, is highly necessary . As if the message of our true faith lacks of love and we need to receive some from them (the ones who want kill us Christians out of love (!) so that we can be reincarnated into something more advanced like them)…
The late Fr. Antonios Alevizopoulos writes regardingly: 
The holy martyrs of our Church preferred to shed their own blood refusing to give any honor or acknowledgement to other Gods. A simple bow would be sufficient to spare them the torture! Today we find ourselves having Christians (In the Congress Of World Religions) celebrating with honesty and mutual appreciation the rich variety of the religious world!
A lot could one say about the participation of Orthodox Christians In "The Congress Of World Religions". There are Protestant denominations participating there that don't even accept the Holy Trinity, while others have made up rituals to bless the weddings of homosexuals (read: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10) !!!
From the very few presented, we believe, is made clear the demonic nature of this desired "New Age" Pan-Religion.
We also believe to have made clear, the fraudulent manipulation tactics being used against gullible people in order to gain followers.
Jesus warned the Churches Shepherds and told them:
 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves".


Antiheretical Manual